Saturday, January 26, 2008

Basic Concepts in Science

Evolving Thoughts over at Science Blogs has a link list for basic concepts in Science. It's an extensive list that includes Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Bilology and many others.

I wish I had six months of free time just to take it all in.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Success in South Carolina

With the help of Biologist and Author Kenneth Miller, defenders of science and reason scored a victory in South Carolina. Here's a link to some videos of Dr Miller and others defending the use of a textbook containing (gasp!) Evolution.

Notice in the first video that some of the board members actually voted against Dr Miller being given an additional 60 seconds to make his case. Pathetic!

For additional enjoyment, here is a link to the criticisms Dr Miller is referring to, as well as his responses. The critics never stood a chance :)